Grow As iCPD Achiever (AInstCPD)

Achiever of The Institute

Our iCPD ‘Achiever’ category welcomes young people aged 16 to 25. To become an iCPD Achiever, applicants must demonstrate that they regularly undertake learning activities to build their skills and knowledge.

Post-Nominals: On successful application for this membership category you will be awarded with the post-nominals ‘AInstCPD'.

CPD: As an iCPD Achiever, you are required to undertake 10 hours of CPD per annum.

FEE: £29 per annum

Achiever of The Institute

Our iCPD ‘Achiever’ category welcomes young people aged 16 to 25. To become an iCPD Achiever, applicants must demonstrate that they regularly undertake learning activities to build their skills and knowledge.

Post-Nominals: On successful application for this membership category you will be awarded with the post-nominals ‘AInstCPD'.

CPD: As an iCPD Achiever, you are required to undertake 10 hours of CPD per annum.

FEE: £29 per annum

Important Information: Applicants for Achiever status may be required to provide proof of their date of birth. On passing the age of 25, you’ll be upgraded to the iCPD member status and receive the post-nominals MInstCPD.

Who is Achiever for?

An iCPD Achiever is for every young adult… but let us give you some direction.

Maybe you’re doing or thinking of doing an apprenticeship, this would be something right up your street to help pump up your learning.

Since COVID struck, you may have missed the mark when it came to GCSE, A’ level or degree grades affecting your decisions; which route do I take?

Maybe you aren’t as privileged in having a chance at a decent education due to social and economic differences.

Or maybe you’re in limbo… have a passion for something but don’t really want to go on to university or further education.

How can I strive for a career that I can make a difference in?

Oleh's Story:

After finishing my GCSE’s, I really wanted to get to work. Even though I enjoyed school and got ‘ok’ grades, the thought of going to college to do A’ levels and going on to Uni wasn’t really of any interest to me and so a job that was part time during my schooling now became full time when I left. After a year or so, I got bored doing a zero-hour contract for something that I didn’t really enjoy and couldn’t see myself doing as a career which I always knew anyway.

So, after going through what subjects I was good at at school, what my hobbies and interests are blah blah, I went to a job and careers fair with a couple of mates and came across some apprenticeships and a stand for the Institute of CPD. Not going to lie, had no idea what CPD is or does… but they were giving our free sweets and chocolate, but anyway, long story short, I decided to go the apprenticeship route and am currently coming to the end of my 1st year in engineering. The organisation I work for is huge with so many different avenues and routes to progress and take, which at a young age is quite overwhelming, but I came across one of the goodie bags they were handing out at the bottom of my wardrobe, and it was here where I began to know more about CPD, and so far, it has helped me immensely…. It’s given a direction and focus as to which routes, I can take. I can access a library of short affordable courses relevant to opportunities available to see if I like them or not, and if I don’t it hasn’t blown the bank, but looks good on my CV… plus on my CV I can put letters after my name, but more importantly I have control of my own career.

Please Note:

Membership of the Institute of CPD awards individuals with post nominals and to recognise a commitment to lifelong and continual learning.

It is not to acknowledge a business or training organisation as a CPD approved provider. All membership badges therefore, must not be used as an endorsement to award CPD points or certification to delegates, nor be marketed in a way that contravenes the recognition of the individual.

If you are a provider seeking independent accreditation for your learning activities, please visit our official CPD accreditation partner:

“I know less now than I did when I thought I knew it all. In fact it is frightening to realise how much more there is to learn.
The only reason I improve is because others with knowledge are generous enough to support me with my ongoing education.
CPD is an integral and critical part of acquiring expertise and helps to makes us better professionals and individuals with understanding both now and in the future."
Graham Chase FRICS